2024 SF Art Book Fair

Case Publishing will take part in the upcoming 2024 SF Art Book Fair ( 18 July – 21 July at Minnesota Street Project’s contemporary art campus).

Sharing a booth with shashasha, we look forward to presenting a mix of recent and classic books from our catalogue and chatting about art/photography. We look forward to seeing you at our booth D06!

2024 SF Art Book Fair
Open July 19 through July 21, 2024, with a preview the evening of July 18

1150 25th Street
1275 Minnesota Street
1201 Minnesota Street
San Francisco, CA 94107

Thursday, July 18: 6pm - 10pm
Friday, July 19: 11am - 6pm
Saturday, July 20: 11am - 6pm
Sunday, July 21: 11am - 5pm

The 2024 SFABF is free and open to the public. Please click HERE for more information.