Haute Photographie

We will take part in the Haute Photographie, held in Rotterdam from next Wednesday 6th. The works by AHN Jun, Toshiya MURAKOSHI and Eiji OHASHI will be showcased. Please stop by our booth if you are in Rotterdam! http://www.haute-photographie.com/

Wed 6 February 18:00-23:00 Grand Opening
by invitation only
Thu 7 February 10:00-19:00
Fri 8 February 10:00-18:00
Sat 9 February 10:00-19:00
Sun 10 February 10:00-17:00

LP2 (right next to the Nederlands Fotomuseum)
Wilhelminakade 326
3072 AR Rotterdam

Regular price for a day ticket: € 15,00.