The photography enthusiast (‘doujinshi’) magazine Chihei was first published in April 1972 and spawned ten issues over its five-year lifespan. The magazine was edited and published by Shunji Dodo, then a teacher at the Osaka Shashin Senmon Gakko, and friends from his old alma matar – 20 to 24 years old students and faculty staff – in Fukuoka. The magazine was launched during a period of societal upheaval that also left a mark on Japan’s photographic community. Then-member Koichi Kuronuma outlined the intent of the magazine with the following words:

“The camera is our weapon, our tool to put an end to self-expression. Photography is a weapon to threaten blocked sensitivities. I don’t want to see the pictures you take, I want to see the world that your pictures show me.”

Such agitations by the late Koichi Kuronuma transcend their era and still influence and provoke photographers today. Now, 41 years after its discontinuation in September 1977, Chihei magazine will finally be revived. Seven photographers of all ages, including Shunji Dodo, have gathered and for two months created photographs based around the theme of ‘Osaka’. The members are Shunji Dodo, Jun Abe, Yasuko Noguchi, Shogo Yamada, Kosato Matsuoka, Maya Akashika and Masashi Urashiba. Each member curated their own selection of final images, and thereby created seven different editions of the same magazine. How will the generational backgrounds and approaches to photography of different photographers affect the final shape of the magazine?

Chihei is a publication for this present age of unhindered personal expression; a magazine whose creation process dares to rethink the concept of the photobook.

In celebration of the magazine’s relaunch, CASE TOKYO is honored to host the exhibition “Chihei” from June 30 - August 4. In addition to exhibiting photographic prints and artefacts documenting the photobook’s creation process, the photocopier will be provided for visitors to photocopy their favourite prints for purchase.


Shunji DODO 百々俊二

Born in Osaka in 1947. Graduated from the Kyushu Sangyo University Faculty of Arts Department of Photography and became professor at the Tokyo Shashin Senmon Gakko the same year. Became a professor at the Osaka Shashin Senmon Gakko (now: Visual Arts College Osaka) in 1972, and became head of the school in 1998. In 2015 he was appointed head of the Irie Taikichi Memorial Museum of Photography in Nara City. Continues to engage in photography both as a photographer and as a photography educator.

His photobook “A Radiant Land: Kii Peninsula” won the Annual Award of the Japan Photographic Society, his series “A Radiant Land with Thousands of Years” the Ina Nobuo Award. His photobook “Osaka” won the the 23rd Photographic Society Award and the 27th Higashikawa Prize’s Hidano Kazuemon Award.

Jun ABE 阿部淳

Yasuko NOGUCHI 野口靖子

Shogo YAMADA 山田省吾

Kosato MATSUOKA 松岡小智

Maya AKASHIKA 赤鹿麻耶

Masashi URASHIBA 浦芝眞史